Globally, nearly 1 in 11 people live in extreme poverty.
We’re here to change that.
Our mission at WORK is to accompany families in Haiti and beyond out of poverty through good, dignified jobs.
We believe that every individual has potential. By standing beside the families we serve, working to remove barriers to their success, and providing the necessary resources to accompany them to financial independence, we restore human dignity.
Our families live in extreme poverty. By accompanying them with essential needs and investing in skill sets and work opportunities, they graduate from our program making a living income that enables them to have savings and invest in their next generation.
$30 - provides access to medical care and follow up care for a family member
$60 - ensures a student receives supplemental education to achieve success
$100 - supports healthy meals for a month for a family of 6
$350 - provides an education scholarship for primary or secondary school for one year
$500 - enables a family member to start a small business to earn a dignified income

Support with a monthly donation
Support from our community of monthly donors enables us to sustain this commitment to our families and reach our outcomes. Join us today as a monthly donor at any amount, $5, $30, to $121 / month, the total cost of providing direct services for one family member per month. This includes access to medical care, food, water and rental assistance, education scholarships for all school-aged children, workforce development training and investments into small businesses. 100% of your donation supports our essential services and programming for our families.
Double your gift
Your employer might offer a donation match. Submit your donation receipt to your employer’s donation portal or HR department and let our team know to help complete the process. Reach out to
Give by check
Make checks payable to WORK:
360 E 2nd Street, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Looking to give in other ways? Let us know by sending us an email at